5 Tonic Home Remedies For Sick Cats Not Eating

Home Remedies For Sick Cats Not Eating

Sick cats can be a challenge to get back on their feet. One of the most important things you can do is make sure they are eating enough. When your cat is sick and not eating, you might be looking for home remedies to help them feel better.

In this blog post we have listed the 5 tonic home remedies for sick cats not eating with recipes.

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    Why my cat is not eating?

    cat not eating

    There are several possible causes of why your cat might be avoiding eating, including infection, digestive problems, stress or anxiety, and other health issues include dental problems or mouth pain, nausea or gastrointestinal disorders, underlying medical conditions like diabetes or kidney disease, psychological factors like depression, and nutritional deficiencies.

    If your cat is not eating, it is important to take them to a vet for a full evaluation and treatment plan.

    In the meantime, there are some home remedies that you can try to encourage your cat to eat again.

    Home Remedies for sick Cats not Eating

    If your feline avoid eating or suffering form anorexia try the below five Home Remedies For Sick Cats Not Eating and see the result:

    #1) Chicken and Rice

    Many cat owners know the struggle of trying to coax a finicky feline to eat. It can be difficult to find the right type of food or combination of flavors that your little carnivore will enjoy.

    white rice

    One popular solution that many cat owners have found success with is chicken and rice for cats. This classic combination is not only highly palatable for cats, but also provides all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your fur baby needs to stay healthy and strong.

    Whether you use a commercial blend or make your own from scratch, chicken and rice for cats is an excellent choice for bringing back a happy kitty appetite.

    So if your fuzzy friend is shunning their usual dinner bowl, try adding some delicious chicken and rice next mealtime and see if they are more interested in eating!



    • 75 g baked dark chicken meat
    • 40 g boiled white rice
    • 20 g boiled potato
    • 4 g olive oil
    • ⅛ teaspoon Rx Vitamins Nutritional Support


    Mix all ingredients together and feed it to your feline friend. Store the leftovers in airtight container in the refrigerator for later use.

    #2) Offer Eggs in Breakfast

    There are a few things that you can do to encourage your cat to eat a healthier diet. One of the best ways to do this is to offer eggs as part of their breakfast.

    Eggs are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients, and they can help to keep your cat feeling full throughout the day. Additionally, eggs can be a fun way for your cat to get some exercise.

    Just be sure to cook them thoroughly before feeding them to your cat. With a little effort, you can help your feline friend enjoy a healthier diet.



    • 3 Eggs
    • 2 tablespoons of Feline friendly veggies
    • 1 tablespoon non-fat dry milk
    • 3 tablespoons cottage cheese


    • Take a medium size bowl add milk powder and water and mix it well. Make sure that there are no lumps in it.
    • Now add the eggs in the mixture and stir it well.
    • Take a frying pan and Preheat it on a medium flame.
    • Add the mixture to a frying pan and cooked it.
    • When its near to cook add the cottage cheese on the half cooked side and sprinkle the veggies.
    • Don’t serve too hot to your kitty. Feed it warm to your feline friend.
    • Flip it, add the cut veggies and grated cottage cheese on the half-cooked side and allow it to cook well.

    #3) Chicken Stew for Cats

    When your feline friend is struggling with the symptoms of anorexia, it can be difficult to know how to help. Many commercial cat foods can actually exacerbate the problem, and many cats simply do not like to eat regular food.

    But luckily, there is a simple, effective home remedy that can support your cat’s nutritional needs: chicken stew. Packed with protein and other essential nutrients, this hearty dish will help to promote appetite in even the pickiest of cats.

    So if you find your otherwise healthy kitty turning away from her meals, try whipping up a batch of chicken stew and see the difference it makes! Your feline pal will thank you for it.



    • 2 cups of brown rice
    • 8 carrots
    • Boneless chicken
    • ¼ cup of green peas
    • A handful of green beans


    • Wash the chicken and put it in a large stew pot and cover it with water till the brim.
    • Cut the veggies into small pieces and add them into the pot.
    • Add the 2 cups of brown rice.
    • Cook the chicken meat and veggies until it become soft.
    • Take the cooked chicken and vegetables and blend it in a bender.
    • The chicken strew for your sick feline is ready.
    • Let the treat cool and feed it your kitty.

    #4) Chicken and Oatmeal

    Cats are notoriously finicky eaters, and it can be a challenge to find a food that they will actually enjoy eating. However, there are a few food combinations that even the most discerning cat will find irresistible.

    One such combination is chicken and oatmeal. The rich flavor of the chicken is sure to entice even the most reluctant eater, and the oatmeal provides a hearty dose of nutrients. Plus, this pairing is relatively low in calories, making it a good option for cats who are watching their waistlines.

    So if your cat is starting to turn up their nose at their regular meals, try adding a little chicken and oatmeal to the mix. You may just find that they can’t resist!



    • 83 g steam-cooked/boiled chicken (dark meat)
    • 50 g boiled oatmeal
    • 30 g mashed sweet potato
    • 4 g safflower oil


    Mix all ingredients together and feed it to your feline friend. Store the leftovers in airtight container in the refrigerator for later use.

    #5) Mackerel Starter

    Many cat owners are familiar with the frustrating experience of dealing with a finicky feline who simply will not eat. Whether their appetite has suddenly taken a downturn or they have been struggling to maintain their normal feeding habits, many cats are reluctant to eat, even when they are hungry.

    In such cases, it is often helpful to switch over to a food that is proven to help liven up the appetite and encourage healthy eating.

    Mackerel Starter is a popular starter meal for cats who aren’t eating because it contains plenty of mackerel, which is a nutrient-rich protein source that can help satisfy any cat’s cravings.

    Additionally, this premium cat food also contains plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, making it ideal for encouraging even picky palettes to get back on track and stay strong.

    So if you’re looking for an effective way to jumpstart your cat’s appetite and get them back into nourishing routines, give Mackerel Starter a try! Your fussy pal will be sure to love its savory goodness.



    • 1 cup cooked or canned mackerel
    • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
    • 1 tablespoon of cooked brown rice
    • 2 tablespoons of chicken broth


    Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend well the treat is ready feed the food to your sick kitty avoid eating and store the rest in the fridge for three days.

    How to encourage a cat for eating?

    #1. Ensure your cat has access to fresh water at all times.

    #2. Add a little bit of chicken or beef broth to their wet food.

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    #3. Feed them small meals more often throughout the day instead of one large meal.

    #4. Try offering them canned tuna or salmon in water (without salt) as a treat.

    #5. Give them plenty of love and attention.

    #6. Make sure they are in a calm, quiet environment.

    #7. Take them to the vet for a check-up to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

    Offering your cat some tasty food or treats can be a good way to encourage them to eat. You can try things like tuna juice or chicken broth, or even just plain old kitty treats.

    Feeding smaller meals more often throughout the day may help as well. Rather than leaving food out all day long and letting your cat graze, you might want to split it up into three or four meals a day instead.

    Be sure that you are providing plenty of fresh water for your cat as well. Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of feline anorexia, so increasing their fluid intake can make a big difference in how they feel overall.

    How long can a sick cat go without eating?

    cat with food bowl

    1-2 Days.

    Most sick cats will still have an appetite, even if they don’t feel well. If your cat stops eating altogether, it’s a cause for concern and you should take them to the vet right away. A healthy cat can usually go without food for a day or two without any problems, but beyond that, they will start to experience health issues.

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