About Us

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My Name Is Jamal Khan. I am a professional pet expert, pet lover, Pet blogger by passion, and Teacher by profession. I love pets and have a lot of experience about feeding, caring and training pets.

I have been working as a pet niche blogger and Pet expert since 2018.

The aim of establishing petskor.com is to share all my experience with you and to provide Valuable and well-researched information’s about pets Health, Care, Food and medications.

About Pets Kor Team?

For the Growth of the website and to maintain the quality of the information for our readers we have build a Team name “Pets Kor Team”.

Pets Kor Team is a Team of Professional Veterinarians, Pet Experts, Trainers and Pet Neutrisonist. Pets kor is dedicated to providing you the very best of pets Health, Care, Food and Medication information.

How We Work?

We Provide information after the in-depth and comprehensive research, including the researchers of Pet experts Pet Nutritionists and veterinarians around the world.

We hope you will find the exact information related to your search query with petskor.com. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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